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Kundali is the most  factor in life, kundali have 12 house in every house diffrent different plannet they tell us in our life how it’s work. You can consult  with a astrologer and get solution by astrological remedies. If you have any problem related from kundali then you can get help by Astrologer Sunil Shastri.

Kundali Making


Kundli is one of the sacred and spiritual ways of getting more information about futuristic predictions in
respect of business, marriage, birth, kids, match making, career, family and lots more. While making
Kundli, an expert needs the birth time of one whose kundli needs to be make, horoscope chart reading
and plate positions at the time of birth. On analyzing and reading of these astrological aspects one
comes to prepare with Kundli making. The same Kundli will not only makes future predictions but also
supports you while come over with varied life problems. 
Are you looking how best your career and finance will reflect?

  • The major section of Kundli will favors in match
    making where the planetary positions of boy will match with girl in order to know about compatibility
    between them. It will provide you with details about love compatibility, finance status, family status,
    child presence and many more.
    As we all know the importance of astrology in once life. It only depicts the problems but also provides
    the positive way how to come over with the same. It’s all about planetary positions and horoscope
    charts that have significance in our life while reflecting our future positively or negatively.
    Are your looking for best match?
    Are you seeking for best partner with total compatibility?
    Are you want to know after marriage effects over life?

In Kundli matching, which is a practice in Hindu astrology, several major sections are considered to determine compatibility between two individuals. These sections, also known as “kootas” or factors, are:

1. **Varna (Cast)**: This assesses the spiritual compatibility and work compatibility between the couple.

2. **Vashya (Dominance)**: This measures the power equation and compatibility of the couple.

3. **Tara (Star)**: This indicates the health and well-being of the partners, both mentally and physically.

4. **Yoni (Nature)**: This evaluates the sexual compatibility and intimacy between the couple.

5. **Graha Maitri (Friendship)**: This analyzes the psychological compatibility, mutual interests, and outlook towards life.

6. **Gana (Temperament)**: This examines the temperament and compatibility of the couple.

7. **Bhakoot (Relation)**: This evaluates the emotional compatibility, love, and bonding between the partners.

8. **Nadi (Health)**: This focuses on health and genes compatibility between the couple.

Each of these sections carries a certain weightage, and a good match is indicated when there are favorable alignments in most of these sections. However, it’s important to note that Kundli matching is not the sole determinant of a successful marriage. Factors like mutual respect, understanding, communication, and shared values also play crucial roles in the success of a marriage.

How Works Kundali 12 Houses

No.1 Astrology Services In India

Kundali is one of the sacred and spiritual ways of getting more information about futuristic predictions in
respect of business, marriage, birth, kids, match making, career, family and lots more. While making
Kundli, an expert needs the birth time of one whose kundli needs to be make, horoscope chart reading
and plate positions at the time of birth. On analyzing and reading of these astrological aspects one
comes to prepare with Kundli making. The same Kundli will not only makes future predictions but also
supports you while come over with varied life problems. 

The major section of Kundli will favors in match
making where the planetary positions of boy will match with girl in order to know about compatibility
between them. It will provide you with details about love compatibility, finance status, family status,
child presence and many more.
As we all know the importance of astrology in once life. It only depicts the problems but also provides
the positive way how to come over with the same. It’s all about planetary positions and horoscope
charts that have significance in our life while reflecting our future positively or negatively.
Are your looking for best match?
Are you seeking for best partner with total compatibility?
Are you want to know after marriage effects over life?
Are you looking how best your career and finance will reflect?

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Readily and cheaply available is the desired love problem solution from our globallyfamed-and-trusted love vashikaran specialist astrologer of India, guru ji Sunil Shastri.

Successful and safe astrological as well as vashikaran-based solutions are extended by
this veteran and benevolent vashikaran specialist astrologer to a rather wide range of
problems and obstructions tolove or love/inter-caste marriages.

In last two decades, thousands of obstructed and frustrated lovers were benefited by
our highly successful love marriage specialist guru ji in numerous countries worldwide.

What is the importance of kundali in our life.

Kundali, also known as a birth chart or horoscope in Indian astrology, holds significance in the lives of many people, especially in India and among those who follow Vedic astrology. The importance of kundali in our life is deeply rooted in the belief that the positions and movements of celestial bodies at the time of a person’s birth can provide valuable insights into various aspects of their life. Here are some of the reasons why kundali is considered important by those who believe in astrology:

1. **Personal Guidance:** Kundali is believed to offer guidance and insights into a person’s personality, strengths, weaknesses, and life path. It can help individuals understand themselves better and make informed decisions in various aspects of life, including career, relationships, and health.

2. **Compatibility:** Kundali matching, known as Kundali Milan, is often used to assess the compatibility between couples before marriage. It is believed that matching the kundalis of a bride and groom can help identify potential areas of conflict and harmony in their future life together.

3. **Career and Education:** Kundali analysis can provide insights into a person’s aptitude, talents, and potential career paths. It is often consulted to make decisions about education, career choices, and business ventures.

4. **Health:** Some astrologers believe that the positions of celestial bodies in a kundali can provide indications of potential health issues or vulnerabilities. People may consult astrologers for guidance on maintaining or improving their health.

5. **Timing of Events:** Astrology, including kundali analysis, is used to predict the timing of important life events such as marriage, childbirth, and career advancements. It is believed that the planetary positions can influence the timing of these events.

6. **Spiritual and Psychological Growth:** For some individuals, kundali analysis can be a tool for self-discovery, personal growth, and spiritual development. It can help them understand their life’s purpose and the lessons they are meant to learn.

It’s important to note that the significance of kundali varies from person to person. While some people place great importance on astrology and kundali analysis, others may view it as a form of entertainment or a source of curiosity. Belief in astrology and the importance of kundali is a matter of personal choice and cultural influence. It’s essential to approach astrology with a critical and open-minded perspective and not solely rely on it for making life decisions.

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